Friday, April 24, 2009


I watched a chick flick. And it was GOOOOD!

Now for those that know me, this probably isn't a big shock, as I've watched enough chick flicks in my time to be refereed to as an ACTUAL girl. but surprisingly, when I told my friend earlier that I was watching "He's just not that into you", she seemed astounded, not only at the fact that I was watching said film, but at the fact that I was watching it alone. It was 11 o'clock in the morning, I hadn't even gotten out of bed, how the fuck else was I MEANT to be watching it?

But what can I say? Am I meant to be limited to only Action, Comedy and Horror movies? First off, I don't really see the point in horrors. The world is scary enough without people prancing around in masks telling me I'm going to die. And secondly, do they not call it an "entertainment business"? Am I not meant to be entertained? Who can honestly tell me they've not sat through a chick flick and been entertained! SUUUURE, the ending is pretty much set out in stone, but the joy is in the the journey, not the destination (I believe it was Peaceful Warrior that taught me that).

Now, I will be the first to admit that among all of the amazing films that I've both seen and owned, there are the fair shit of absolute shitstorms. Take for example the other week, a low point in my life. Not the week itself, but the fact that I resorted to watching The Hottie and the Nottie. PLEASE. NO LYNCHING. I say "watched", in my defense, I only saw about 5 minutes of it. And the REASON I watched it was simple...I needed to get to sleep. I don't even know why I mentioned that whole thing, but there is a point. And I think it's this...Chick flicks are seen as an atrocity to human nature. But really? are they? can they really be any worse than The Perfect Storm? NO. it's physically impossible, that film makes me want to throw up in my mouth. But really, chick flicks are the most suited of all the genres to their entertain. And that they do.

I was once told by a friend, and I really hope she's reading this, that "Mean Girls" is a chick flick. NOW COME ON. It was written by Tina Fey. It's about funny things, and don't solely revolve around one girls quest to get some cock. Now I'll admit that the fundamental backbone of most films is the romantic interest, and I'll hope you'll agree that the majority of films out there involve this aspect, but Mean Girls? REALLY? TINA FEY (hot) wrote it, it must be funny! (Can we have our money now?). A chick flick? Stop being a douche and watch it again, you'll understand!

SO...all in all, this is how the scenario plays out. Chick Flicks = Fun. Mean Girls = Comedy, and I'm not ashamed to admit that not only is it in my DVD collection, but it's quite high up there as one of the best films I've ever seen. And I guess going back to the original point, He's just not that into you is actually a pretty good film. You'll kinda understand where I'm coming from if I say it's a tame version of Young People Fucking if you've seen it. If you've haven't, it's highly recommended. As well as everything I've mentioned here...EXCEPT THE PERFECT STORM (shit)

P.S. I love driting my wrosts prunk. Mostly because I get so anal about the spelling I have to keep checking it and so it probably ends up better than my sober posts. I'm pretty certain none of it makes sense though, so that's always fun :)

~ Lazy

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hey what?

Wuh huh? Hey! Look who's been masturbating furiously to youtube! Me? Is it me? It's me.

Let's look at what has been drawn to my attention in musically themed youtube vids recently...

First of all there is the obvious youtube fanbase reaching of Kyle Andrews. Dedicating your entire video to youtube, with samples of thousands of different videos is a surefire way of getting lots and lots of people to notice you and your easily overlooked music. I'm not saying the song isn't alright, and nor am I putting this guy down for obvious coat-tail grabbings. Really it's a smart move, but this kind of thing is going to get rapidly more irritating.

I checked out the rest of this Kyle Andrew's work on his website and it didn't really do anything for me to be honest, but I quite liked some of what he was trying to do so go have a listen and see if you can make yourself like it. I'm sure he doesn't need your support what with the millions of fans he'll get from his little attention chasing video, but hey! Clever move, Andrews...

Vadrum is this pretty sweet drummer who likes to smash his kit to lots of different well-known tracks. For example...

I'm sure there are lots of people on youtube doing similar things, but, well, fuck them for not trying hard enough that I didn't get to see them and hence show them to you. Plus this guy seems awesome. Go Vadrum!

I don't think the following video needs an explanation.

Go check out the rest of Andrew Gregory's videos for fun musical American politics, as well as a couple of other subjects. However, I think I chose the best one so don't get too excited, chimpettes.

And that's a rap! But I'm sure I'll put off all the work I have to do for real things again with another post real soon! YESSIR.


Friday, April 17, 2009

Alpha Omega Zero Hero

Another edition to the constantly remixed 'Zero' by Yeah Yeah Yeahs is Animal Collective's attempt. I prefer the original but I bum Animal Collective hard in the face, so I gesture the scales.
Listen to it HERE. The track has previously been remixed by MSTRKRFT, Erol Alken and N.A.S.A Bloody Lobo. As a side note, aren't Animal Collective brilliant? SWOON.Find 'The Purple Bottle' from Feels attached at the bottom. It's not new but that doesn't stop it being great! Check out Merriweather Post Pavillion if you actually want something current, you ungrateful shits.

In other NEWS, mewithoutYou have delivered us a new song; yay! It's from the album It's All Crazy! It's All False! It's All A Dream! It's Alright which comes out next month and looks to be pretty great. Gosh I love them, even if they are all about the invisible big bearded guy in the sky. The track is called 'Every Thought A Thought Of You' - c'mon; give God some space, guys - and it is pretty great. Check out their myspace and give it a listen IF YOU DARE!!


Animal Collective - The Purple Bottle


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

How far can one man go?

A while back I was fortunate enough to finally get round to watching The Brave One starring Jodie Foster, a film about one woman's personal vendetta against the gang who killed her fiancé. It had been on my list for quite some time, but somehow I never got round to it. Considering the amount of films that get produced and how many I DO manage to get through, you can imagine how long the list is. I have however brought a couple of those films home with me for Easter, and if all goes to plan, I'll try and get through as many as possible. The first of these I just finished watching, and that is Death Sentence.

Info: IMDB | Wikipedia

What can I say, I was disappointed. Disappointed that I'd waited so long to watch this! I tend to do this thing where I put off films that seem too complex or involved, opting instead to watch something completely lame like 27 Dresses. You know the type of films, simple, easy-to-follow, predictable. The sort of films you can fall asleep to. The sort of films that put you to sleep.

However, this film is none of those things, except for maybe predictable, but comeon, I havn't seen in a film in ages that has had a truely great and unexpected plot twist, this is Hollywood after all. The film focuses on Nick Hume (Kevin Bacon), whose son is brutally murdered during a gang initiation, and of course decides to return the favour by hunting down and killing all those involved. As the film progresses, Bacon's portayal becomes darker and darker, and you start to get a sense of what it might take to protect your family at all costs. It's only in Hollywood that you root for the guy going round with a shotgun, shooting people's legs off.

All in all this is a pretty gruesome tale of one man's fall from grace, and it really tries to touch on the deep emotions that come with losing everything. All wrapped up in a neat little package of blood and gore, which is nice. There's not really much more to say, and for that I apologise, let's just hope the next film I bother to watch is terrible so I can rant on and on and on about the downfalls of society and how Quorn is the root of all evil. Or words to that effect.

~ Lazy

Monday, April 6, 2009

Pushing Daisies

So I'm back for Easter, and naturally I'm avoiding revision by any means possible, even including trips to the gym (against my better judgement of course). One of those ways is of course my favourite of all my 3 hobbies; lying in bed watching stuff. You can't beat a lazy weekend, and this past weekend has been no exception, having managed to catch up with something I've been meaning to watch for some time now; Pushing Daisies.

Info: IMDB | Wikipedia

Created by Bryan Fuller (the same guy who made Dead Like Me) and started airing on ABC back in 2007, this excellent show has been hit by many a shortcoming in it's relatively small run on TV. The show was struck by the unfortunately pithy complaints of the Writer's Guild of America back in it's first season, cutting the season order down to only 9 episodes. However, hopes were high as the show was one of the most watched new shows of that year. Instead of trying to complete the first season after the strike was over, it was decided to simply move on and start work on the 2nd season. Unfortunately for the show, airing on ABC means that ratings are by far the most important factor in a show's survival. Never mind a large fan base or being nominated for 12 Emmy's. No no, those things don't sell adverts, and so with a decline in viewership (possibly due to the long wait between seasons), the show was cut to only 13 more episodes (only 10 of which have been aired) and cancelled.

What American networks need to understand is that with a population of around 300 million people in America, there's bound to be a high percentage of idiots. It is America after all. American Idol, now in it's 8th year, is still the most watched show in America, much like many of the regurgitated Pop Factor nonsense shows are in this country. Unfortunately, this leaves new and upcoming shows that are both original and entertaining a much higher chance of being canned in it's early stages, in favour of something old and safe. And yet the American population still lap it up, blissfully unaware that brilliant TV is slipping through their fingers.

I can't help but think that had Pushing Daisies been broadcast on one of the premium channels such as HBO or Showtime, who focus much more on producing award winning and intriguing content rather than viewership, the show would have had a much longer run. The style of the show had a sense of dark humour, especially concerning the fairytale-esque look and feel that was produced. It's just a shame that the show was cut before it's time, and if Dead Like Me can get a follow up movie, I don't see why this shouldn't helping to tie up loose ends left by the unfortunate departure of an excellent show.

~ Lazy

Thursday, April 2, 2009

They're filming midgets!

Info: IMDB | Wikipedia

So I've been meaning to get round to writing about this film for some time now. But I haven't, because true to my namesake, I'm lethargic. But I was round a friend's house last night, and upon trying to decide which film to watch, we narrowed it down to a "comedy" that isn't "a soppy romantic slush-fest". Now, for any of you have seen this film (and therefore probably don't care too much about this post), I'm not entirely sure which category to put this film into. I mean it truely is hilarious, one of the most intentionally and unintentionally funny films I've seen in quite some time, hence the fact I am suggesting it for you now. However, this film isn't exactly in the vein of your average laugh-out-loud joke a minute style comedies, it's much more subtle in it's irish humour. Repeated remarks of "What? In fucking Bruges?" litter the film all too often, and yet, speaking as someone who's never been to Bruges, seem to capture the entire essence of the film.

But what really gets me is that essentially, this isn't solely a comedy. This is the fact that I forgot to mention to my friend, and whilst the first half of the film is packed full of witty off-colour comments poking fun at fat americans and midgets, the second half seems to decend more and more into the type of film that it is set out to be; a Crime/Drama/Thriller (or at least, that's what IMDB tells me it should be).

I think where this film truely stands out is the combination of genres. The fact that you can take a simple story about 2 hitmen who are hiding out in the middle of a medieval Belgian town, and turn it both into a thriller involving various instances of violence and gun crime, and a dark comedy about 2 hitmen hiding out in the middle of a medieval Belgian town, is a truely wonderful mix. The jokes don't come thick and fast, but they're extremely clever and well played out, boosted by the surprisingly brilliant performances of Colin Farrell, Brendan Gleeson and Ralph Fiennes.

So if you've not seen it before, then it comes highly recommended from me, and I'm going to make it my Film of the Week! Yay!

~ Lazy