But what can I say? Am I meant to be limited to only Action, Comedy and Horror movies? First off, I don't really see the point in horrors. The world is scary enough without people prancing around in masks telling me I'm going to die. And secondly, do they not call it an "entertainment business"? Am I not meant to be entertained? Who can honestly tell me they've not sat through a chick flick and been entertained! SUUUURE, the ending is pretty much set out in stone, but the joy is in the the journey, not the destination (I believe it was Peaceful Warrior that taught me that).
Now, I will be the first to admit that among all of the amazing films that I've both seen and owned, there are the fair shit of absolute shitstorms. Take for example the other week, a low point in my life. Not the week itself, but the fact that I resorted to watching The Hottie and the Nottie. PLEASE. NO LYNCHING. I say "watched", in my defense, I only saw about 5 minutes of it. And the REASON I watched it was simple...I needed to get to sleep. I don't even know why I mentioned that whole thing, but there is a point. And I think it's this...Chick flicks are seen as an atrocity to human nature. But really? are they? can they really be any worse than The Perfect Storm? NO. it's physically impossible, that film makes me want to throw up in my mouth. But really, chick flicks are the most suited of all the genres to their purpose...to entertain. And that they do.
I was once told by a friend, and I really hope she's reading this, that "Mean Girls" is a chick flick. NOW COME ON. It was written by Tina Fey. It's about funny things, and don't solely revolve around one girls quest to get some cock. Now I'll admit that the fundamental backbone of most films is the romantic interest, and I'll hope you'll agree that the majority of films out there involve this aspect, but Mean Girls? REALLY? TINA FEY (hot) wrote it, it must be funny! (Can we have our money now?). A chick flick? Stop being a douche and watch it again, you'll understand!
SO...all in all, this is how the scenario plays out. Chick Flicks = Fun. Mean Girls = Comedy, and I'm not ashamed to admit that not only is it in my DVD collection, but it's quite high up there as one of the best films I've ever seen. And I guess going back to the original point, He's just not that into you is actually a pretty good film. You'll kinda understand where I'm coming from if I say it's a tame version of Young People Fucking if you've seen it. If you've haven't, it's highly recommended. As well as everything I've mentioned here...EXCEPT THE PERFECT STORM (shit)
P.S. I love driting my wrosts prunk. Mostly because I get so anal about the spelling I have to keep checking it and so it probably ends up better than my sober posts. I'm pretty certain none of it makes sense though, so that's always fun :)
~ Lazy