Thursday, April 2, 2009

They're filming midgets!

Info: IMDB | Wikipedia

So I've been meaning to get round to writing about this film for some time now. But I haven't, because true to my namesake, I'm lethargic. But I was round a friend's house last night, and upon trying to decide which film to watch, we narrowed it down to a "comedy" that isn't "a soppy romantic slush-fest". Now, for any of you have seen this film (and therefore probably don't care too much about this post), I'm not entirely sure which category to put this film into. I mean it truely is hilarious, one of the most intentionally and unintentionally funny films I've seen in quite some time, hence the fact I am suggesting it for you now. However, this film isn't exactly in the vein of your average laugh-out-loud joke a minute style comedies, it's much more subtle in it's irish humour. Repeated remarks of "What? In fucking Bruges?" litter the film all too often, and yet, speaking as someone who's never been to Bruges, seem to capture the entire essence of the film.

But what really gets me is that essentially, this isn't solely a comedy. This is the fact that I forgot to mention to my friend, and whilst the first half of the film is packed full of witty off-colour comments poking fun at fat americans and midgets, the second half seems to decend more and more into the type of film that it is set out to be; a Crime/Drama/Thriller (or at least, that's what IMDB tells me it should be).

I think where this film truely stands out is the combination of genres. The fact that you can take a simple story about 2 hitmen who are hiding out in the middle of a medieval Belgian town, and turn it both into a thriller involving various instances of violence and gun crime, and a dark comedy about 2 hitmen hiding out in the middle of a medieval Belgian town, is a truely wonderful mix. The jokes don't come thick and fast, but they're extremely clever and well played out, boosted by the surprisingly brilliant performances of Colin Farrell, Brendan Gleeson and Ralph Fiennes.

So if you've not seen it before, then it comes highly recommended from me, and I'm going to make it my Film of the Week! Yay!

~ Lazy

1 comment:

  1. BE

    some of us do nothing but check the blogs they follow every few hours.
