Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hey what?

Wuh huh? Hey! Look who's been masturbating furiously to youtube! Me? Is it me? It's me.

Let's look at what has been drawn to my attention in musically themed youtube vids recently...

First of all there is the obvious youtube fanbase reaching of Kyle Andrews. Dedicating your entire video to youtube, with samples of thousands of different videos is a surefire way of getting lots and lots of people to notice you and your easily overlooked music. I'm not saying the song isn't alright, and nor am I putting this guy down for obvious coat-tail grabbings. Really it's a smart move, but this kind of thing is going to get rapidly more irritating.

I checked out the rest of this Kyle Andrew's work on his website and it didn't really do anything for me to be honest, but I quite liked some of what he was trying to do so go have a listen and see if you can make yourself like it. I'm sure he doesn't need your support what with the millions of fans he'll get from his little attention chasing video, but hey! Clever move, Andrews...

Vadrum is this pretty sweet drummer who likes to smash his kit to lots of different well-known tracks. For example...

I'm sure there are lots of people on youtube doing similar things, but, well, fuck them for not trying hard enough that I didn't get to see them and hence show them to you. Plus this guy seems awesome. Go Vadrum!

I don't think the following video needs an explanation.

Go check out the rest of Andrew Gregory's videos for fun musical American politics, as well as a couple of other subjects. However, I think I chose the best one so don't get too excited, chimpettes.

And that's a rap! But I'm sure I'll put off all the work I have to do for real things again with another post real soon! YESSIR.


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