So this week saw the passing of a true legend, the late John Hughes. He was a true master of the screenplay, bringing us such greats as Curly Sue, Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, and of course, one of my favourite films of all time, Ferris Bueller's Day Off. His films, both directoral (haha, direct oral) and littoral (is that even a word? IT IS NOW) were of great significance to the 80s, and have become legendary in their own right. I'm not sure my life would really be the same without FBDO (I certainly would have one less poster hanging on my wall). RIP
In other news, the trailer for Fantastic Mr. Fox is up, and it looks goooood! (linksy). Now the only qualm I have with it is the teeny weeny incy wincy little bit that says "Based on the book by the author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". This to me is pretty much a fucking disgrace. The fact that kids these days wouldn't get "Based on the book by Roald Dahl", so they feel the need to compare it to another film?! and frankly not even a great one, I would have preferred "Based on the book by the author of Matilda". Now THATS a fucking classic.
So here's whats been going on:
Ice Age 3 - Wow. Way to kill it guys, really, you've outdone yourself. Literally. Kill it. Preferably with fire, but you may choose to utilise any of the following methods: Spork, Stapler, Angry Cat, Cheese or Lawnmower. It's just not funny. And frankly, there are a disturbingly large amount of "adult" jokes in there. Shrek could pull it off, but then again they never had a scene where a prehistoric animal goes up to a cow to milk ot and and ends up having to run away screaming "I THOUGHT YOU WERE A GIRL". For one, that's rape. And for two, it's the bad kind of rape.
The Proposal - I've seen worse chickflicks, and you can't beat a bit of Ryan Reynolds or Sandra Bullcock.
Twilight - I was forced to watch this one. I've never read the books, and quite frankly, I'm glad. Now I know vampires aren't real, so technically NONE of it matters, but well done, way to butcher the classic tale of the vampire. There's some serious plotholes in mythology here, most notably, the fact that they can come out during the daytime. Yeah, apparently in the twilight-iverse, vampires don't die when hit by good old fashioned UV rays. Apparently they, and it hurts me a little to say this..."sparkle". No word of a lie. They sparkle. Like diamonds. Big gay magical unicorn diamonds. *vomit*. Oh and the only real way to kill them is to rip them limb from limb and burn the body. So no stake through the heart. No silver. No sunlight. Can you get any more retarded?
Beside from that, I also re-watched Liar Liar, cus it's awesome, and have just finished watching a new show called Castle, which is about a novelist who tags along with the NYPD to gain ideas for his next book. In a way it's pretty similar to every other standard crime show, except it's not stupid. It's actually kinda funny. S'got Nathan Fillion in it. He's a funny one!
And on the music front, I can't stop listening to Florence and the Machine. She has an absolutely amazing voice, plus she's ginger, so that's a bonus right there
~ Lazy
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