...this week, haven't really managed to watch much, altho I can't exactly say that I've done much else because, well, this is me we're talking about, and I'm pretty damn lazy.
So here's the roundup, as far as I can remember:
Taken: Have had this one for a while now, and it's not really caught my attention until somebody recommended it to me. It was fairly enjoyable, a quite down-to-earth tail of an retired government agent who travels to Paris to find his daughter who has been abducted, utilising all of the skills he knows best (basically, it's like your dad kicking some ass). I was hungover when I watched it, so it could have been worse than I remember.
Se7en: Took me AAAAGES to watch this one, 14 years to be exact. Granted, I was 7 when it came out, but you think I could have gotten round to it at some point. It was, however, worth the wait. Just the right amount of plot twists in this detective thriller made it a great watch, especially with the cast of Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt, who manage to play off each other brilliantly. I also love seeing how outdated technology is just a decade ago, much like the "futuristic" technology in The Bone Collector.
Weeds: I've finally managed to get round to catching up with the 5th season of Weeds, and have to say, I'm not that impressed. The first few seasons were great, but after branching away from the Agrestic/Majestic suburbs, the storylines have become way too far-fetched and ridiculous to say the least. Not only have the mexicans thoroughly invaded, but the amazing sub-plots involving Andy and Doug have all but vanished. Re-watching the first and second series has reminded me that it IS a great show tho.
Dexter: Managed to complete Season 3, after starting it a couple of months ago (I really need to pick something and watch it from start to finish in one go). Pretty great, as per usual, although I'd still lump it in the same boat as Weeds, in which the original series was SO great that it's pretty hard to compete as the series develops. Season 3 did have a pretty great last few episodes, which helped to redeem the previous episodes (which could explain why it took me so long, the earlier episodes were so boring that I just couldn't be bothered).
And that's pretty much it. Granted, TV shows take longer to watch, but still, poor effort on my part. Also, I was pretty bored yesterday, and wasn't in the mood for ANY of the films I've got, so I started 30 Rock from the beginning. Never fails to amuse, and is in some parts better the second time around, where you notice the little hidden jokes that fly so thick and fast the first time (much like my re-watching of Arrested Development, the number of hidden gems in that is incredible).
Hopefully next week I'll find something good to watch, if not, I'll probably just make up a few lies and pretend that I actually care :)
~ Lazy
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