Warp Records is one of my most favourite labels. With acts like Battles, Autechre, Squarepusher, Aphex Twin and Grizzly Bear you gotta offer some pooty-tang or something. Recently, my big bro had absent-mindedly hummed along to the Audi advert and it looked like fertile ground for a bit of nudging and tripping up in my direction. I'm a big fan of Battles. (If you haven't got on that bandwagon yet, then please learn to prep before you come to class. The notes are at the front.) I feel they are making math-rock accessible, which is something I think I approve of! There's nothing wrong with a bit of accessibility, as long as the product isn't damaged in any way (see: The Beach, for how to fuck that shit up), and Battles are ace so clearly it is trophyville. I was curious to see how someone who has avoided all contact with any kind of progressive rock in favour of generally more soulful and more popular rock (if any rock at all) would react to the math genre. I wasn't about to drop in any The Murder of Rosa Luxemburg; I think that would hit the wrong notes (boom!) entirely so I hit him with some New York Warp shiznaynay. It's sometimes difficult to get people to admit when they like something if it's part of something they've avoided all the years it's been blasting out your room, but this sort of 'friendly' entrance to the genre could turn those grimaces to positive witnesses! Once your foot's in the door, you're half way in. As they say. Perhaps... It's a bit like the way Classic FM is the first step and Radio 3 is the next. Lord knows what other classical stations there are getting deeper and deeper into the depths of the baroques, romantics and so on. But I'll bet my sleep-pattern there are at least more! Incidentally, I bet it irritates classically trained musicians when all 'classical' music is referred to as that, but I guess that's the way it's gonna be until they go invent a better word. SO GO DO IT. Anyway, I guess he liked it maybe.
Let's rant about something else now: Jools Holland. He used to be cool, right? Now he puts on balls. He must be being made to do this. Maybe he doesn't care anymore...

Holland's heart is dripping with black tears and he just doesn't want to live anymore. Well buck up, J'and! This isn't Garden State.
In other news, my parents are pretty pissed that Marianne Faithfull is making some sort of comeback, which I guess is fair enough. They thought that she'd gone for good but she just came craaawwling back! Of course, she was doing ting anyway but since we're obsessing over the past on the BBC lately it seems she's probably now going to get some publicity. I believe she has a new album out this year and is going on tour, but I really don't care. Honestly, when your biggest claim to fame is sleeping with the Rolling Stones and then deciding you liked Jagger the best (surprise! lead singer! who'da thunk it?), you don't really deserve any time on my speakers. Plus her voice makes me want to throw up a little. You wonder why I'm writing about this when I am nearly indifferent, and I tell you: It's a warning. Also, it'll make you seem cool to bitch about stuff that your peers aren't really aware of. Right? Right??

Anyway kids, I better skoot. This essay won't ruin itself! I'm going to go get the resident cat to shit on it. Also, it has piles or something so the stool will be BLOODY! Enjoy it, moderators!
- Tubs
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