Thursday, May 14, 2009

This is a long post so get comfy (but don't piss or shit yourself)

Well since I'm AWAKE, I may as well post a wank. Tonight, or rather, last night was a good one for my musical library. Granted, I was supposed to be learning a set of three essays for an exam I have in about 4 hours but that is neither here nor there!

First of all let's start with Red Sparowes. Having heard of them but never listened to them, they were known to me as some kind of indie instrumental band that my mate Sam Walker liked. Turns out that they are pretty good. I don't really have anything more to say about them other than if I had gone to uni a year earlier I may well have gone to see them at ULU. 'Cause they played there. But in July? So I'd probably not be in London? Honestly the logic was flawed from the beginning, so I'm not going to commit in any way to following it through. Anyway, I can't find any updates since then so who knows what's cooking? DOES SAM? Maybe he does. Or did... (Hint: He's dead now.)

Onwards, keeping the same sort of instrumental indie theme but stretching it out so it's slower and longer, we have Bossk. Very easily background music for doing very little, if anything, Bossk are a fairly worthwhile addition to your musical collection. (You must have 'doing nothing' in your interests if you're this far down the page, AMIRIGHT?) They're currently getting pre-orders for their new split EP with Rinoa, and you can get that in a big fat bumper package with lots of cool shit like tees and badges and bacon maybe... So go grab that if you're feeling particularly wealthy.

With The Legend of Charlie we take a jaunt down jazzy lane, among some experimental electronica wildlife to delight your fancy. There is also some mad-eyed leprechaun with a kicking haircut. Green eyes, man. To suit his little green dickybow.

And now, my favourite band of the moment: Thingy. They are thoroughly enjoyable, and as I perused their polite little myspace fan page I just gobbled up one song after another. They are good times since '95 and I feel bad that I only just noticed their existence. Thankfully, quelling my fears, they are still together and are supposedly working on a new album. Can't seem to find any vines about that, but I trust it'll be up on the radar soon enough and I'll pass it on to you. IF YOU'RE GOOD.

Next time hopefully I'll finally write about the return of The Thermals. Maybe I'll get round to all the CDs I meant to talk about earlier this year? It could happen. Pigs are flying, after all...

In the meantime, I leave you with the new Animal Collective single. Do a sex to/on it!

Animal Collective - Summertime Clothes


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