Now if you've seen the film, or read any other real reviews, then you'll know why. It's just..."meh". There is no other way to describe it. It's not BAD but it's just not GREAT either. There was so much hype surrounding the film, and as amazing as the first film was, this one just doesn't even come close.
In my opinion, there's just too much in this film. Too much of everything. The first Transformers film was great, because it didn't really TRY too hard, and didn't take itself too seriously, so the jokes and the action seemed to intertwine almost seamlessly. However, Revenge of the Fallen fails at this on so many levels. The script at times was absolutely shocking, and certain scenes and characters were completely unnecessary. Obviously being a sequel means that you have to step it up, as people rarely want to see a carbon copy of the original (although in this case, maybe that would have been better?). Looking at past examples such as Spiderman 2, Terminator 2 and Toy Story 2 (yes that's right bitches, MOTHER-LOVING TOY STORY), these were all successful films that managed to continue the success of the franchise to no end. Transformers 2 however, seems to have gone the route of Spiderman 3, in just having way too much to it. Its far too meaty for what it is, and has too many large plot holes in order to stretch the film out (SPOILER: Why the hell didn't they just use the all-spark fragment to revive Optimus instead of that old English wanker who kept spunking fluids all over the places?) - at times it reminded me of that bit in Thank You For Smoking when Rob Lowe's character says "Thank God we invented the...you know, whatever device".
On the other hand, the action sequences were pretty great, and who doesn't want to see Megan Fox running around in slo-mo with a skimpy top on? If only Michael Bay could have cut all the crap from the script, maybe there could have been a decent film in there somewhere, but alas, it wasn't to be. Lets hope Ironman 2 doesn't go the same way when it comes out next year (Or Toy Story 3, but come on, that could never ever ever fail *crosses fingers*).
I'm not even going to talk about Skids and Mudflap, they fail all on their own merit.
~ Lazy
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