A re-make of the classic 80s TV show 'The A-Team'?
That's right folks, you heard me, another classic about to be completely butchered. Now when any franchise is 're-booted' persay, there comes issues. Firstly you get your die-hard fans (which i'm thinking with the A-Team is probably about 6 people?), who are absolutely opposed to any new changes and send death-threats and severed heads to whomever may be directing.
However, sometimes re-boots works. Just look at the new Star Trek. With JJ Abrams at the helm and a multi-million dollar budget, things went well. Not that I've seen it, but I heard it's kinda like Star Wars (http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1910892).
But what's really difficult in attempting to re-make a classic is the casting choices. The reason shows and old movies become classics is because of the people that portray them. They become the face (THATS RIGHT I SAID FACE, LIKE FROM OFF OF THE A-TEAM...) of the series and often become synonymous with that franchise.
Now from what I've gathered thus far, although this hasn't been confirmed, but Bradley Cooper (Wedding Crashers, The Hangover) is a potential to play the Faceman, and Liam Neeson (Taken) is in talks to play Hannibal. Now that's all very well and good, and I'm sure they'll do a tremendous job. But the real question is, who will get to play B.A. Baracus?! Obviously, you've got 2 options: 1. Have Mr. T reprise his role, knowing full well that people will go see the film just to see him say "I ain't gettin on no plane" with a glass of milk in his hand, or 2. Cast someone else, and have everyone sigh and say "Should have been Mr. T". The choice is obvious, right?! NO. IDIOT. As much as I'm sure everyone would love to see Mr. T back in the helm that made him famous, by bringing him back this film would become as much of a farce as the upcoming G.I. Joe reboot. That'd be admitting that the only real weight behind The A-Team is on the strength of a man who legally changed his name to include a full stop.
In other news, Breaking Bad is awesome. But I'm sure you're all aware of this, so there's probably no need to delve any further into this. ALSO, there was a show on the American network Starz called 'Party Down' which was really awesome and funny and I'll probably write a whole review, but for now I probably need to get dressed as I'm meant to leave the flat in about...3 minutes.
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