So here we are, on this wonderful if not slightly chilly February evening. I can't believe it's Thursday already, it's kinda mental how fast this year is going. I mean seriously, I'm now in my 7th week of second term, with only 3 more weeks of teaching left. 3 more weeks! It's no wonder I always feel so rushed off my feet when time is flying by so fast! Obviously we have to forget the fact that I only have 9 hours of lectures (and still haven't managed to have a week with full attendance), and that I pretty much don't do any extra work. But hey, what's first year for if not for drinking, partying and...watching films of course.
It's been a mix this week, went to the cinema for the first time in a while. Unfortunately I went to see 'Confessions of a Shopaholic' (not my choice, I was dragged, dragged I tells ya!!). It's pretty much your standard romantic comedy. I laughed, I cried, but most importantly, I found out that they actually use the words 'unexpected leakage' in tampon adverts. Wonderful :)
Following on from such wonders, I had a little mini-80s marathon the other day, when I realised that I've never seen the Breakfast Club or Sixteen Candles [TUBS: How is this possible?!]. Now I'm familiar with John Hughes' work, as Ferris Bueller's Day Off is one of my all time favourite films (Honest, I've got a poster on my wall and EVERYTHING), and I've heard of most of his other stuff, yet somehow they've managed to slip the net. It's not hard really, there's so many films out there that I tend to watch all of the really crappy ones (most of which are random indie and cheap production films that no-one has ever heard of) and forego many of the "classic" films of the last century. Hey, it's not my fault, I was born this way (accidentally, apparently). HOWEVER, I did manage to catch Zulu the other night, whilst heavily intoxicated. I voted to watch Die Hard 3, but it's kinda hard to get your voice heard when you're sitting on an inflatable chair sipping on whisky. Good times.
Now I spose I should say something about my outlook for the year. Yup...looks alrite. There's a couple of films that I'm looking forward to, but most of those are pretty standard (Watchmen, Transformers 2, X-Men Origins, Terminator: Salvation) but lately I've found myself perusing through Apple Trailers, just looking for something semi-decent to watch. And here's what I found:
Crank 2: Now...don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this is going to be the best film of the year, and if you've seen the first film, you pretty much know exactly what's going to happen. Bald man with big muscles goes round trying to get his adrenaline high by punching people in the womb, having sex in public and jumping out of airplanes. But honestly, as cheesy and stupid as the first film was, there was definitely something about it that was just...awesome. If films are meant to be entertaining, then Crank is really all you need in life, and I'm sure the 2nd installment (however ridiculous the plot line) is sure to be just as good. Plus I really love the cinematography, the angles and the colours, so it's got that going for it.
The Soloist: This looks like it's going to be one of the better films of the year. One of those really heartwarming stories, based on the real life events of one Nathaniel Ayers, a gifted musician who ends up scizophrenic and living on the streets. With Jamie Foxx starring as Ayers, and Robert Downey Jr. as Steve Lopez, the LA Times reporter who befriends him, I'm pretty certain it's going to be excellent. It'll probably end up getting slated on Rotten Tomatoes or something, but I prefer rooting for the underdog. What can I say, I like shit films, it's what I do. I'm just hoping this one really does live up to all the hype that I've just this second created for it and doesn't dissapoint me as much as that happy ending from Mr. Lee's massage parlour. It's fine tho, they have a cream for it now.
Fast & Furious: PLEASE DON'T LYNCH ME! After the abysmal 2nd and 3rd films, can the 4th really compare to the 1st Fast and the Furious? Probably not, but hey, at can at least give it a go! It really can't be any worse than Tokyo Drift, my word that film was the dog's bollocks. And I mean those big hairy ones in Van Wilder. Just...dangling. Looking at the trailer, there are a few points where I let out a small sigh of disbelief (the bit with the rolling oil tanker? seriously? are you kidding me?), but it does look fairly promising, especially as they seem to have got a large portion of the original cast together. I do however have a feeling, down at the bottom of that deep dark endless pit I call a belly, that they're really only making this film cus neither Vin Diesel or Paul Walker have anything to do in their free time, which they seem to have lots of recently. Oh wait, Diesel-head was in that film, whats it called. Oh yeah...IHAVEAMONKEYFACE A.D.
There's probably a few more that I havn't mentioned that are gonna be FAR more entertaining than the ones mentioned, but whatever, go write about them in your own blog. I'm tired, and I seem to have misplaced my ovaries.
~ Lazy
[TUBS: Christ! Maybe I should do a film post and cover some worthwhile moving-pictures? What say you, kiddywinks?]
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Really youtube has much more effect on EVERYTHING than anyone thought it would; let's be honest. Everyone uses it for all the things they do.
Quite obviously, and not that surprisingly, music is one of the areas that has really taken off under this Time magazine cover feature, but little did we know it would truly launch musical artists. The first one I ever noticed was The Wrong Trousers (if you read my old blog then you'll no doubt remember me gushing over them):
And if you haven't heard of them yet (stop hanging out on the moon. Seriously. There isn't even anything there.) then First Aid Kit will deserve your attention as a more recent entry. This video even led to me going to see them with two of my homies! They had their parents with them which was sweet (beardy and tall) and supported Slow Club and James Yuill (Rod Thomas helped him out so it was the time when I exploded in a fountain of lust and died happy, my eyes burnt out by FIRE). Here they are with their hit video cover of Fleet Foxes:
Newest to my venacular is 'Danielle Ate The Sandwich'. While not being the most exciting musician, she is certainly beautifully talented and is bound to feature on some hipster advert about some stupid phone or car in the near future. I bet you she'll get more interesting in time, unless she gets hella famous and conceited and doesn't think about her music anymore. But that never happens to anyone!!! WATCH AND LISTEN:
By the way, I think all these people seem great to hang out with and I am jealous of them all!
Now I just bide my time 'til the VIP passes and exclusive interviews come rollin' in...
- Tubs (deceased)
Quite obviously, and not that surprisingly, music is one of the areas that has really taken off under this Time magazine cover feature, but little did we know it would truly launch musical artists. The first one I ever noticed was The Wrong Trousers (if you read my old blog then you'll no doubt remember me gushing over them):
And if you haven't heard of them yet (stop hanging out on the moon. Seriously. There isn't even anything there.) then First Aid Kit will deserve your attention as a more recent entry. This video even led to me going to see them with two of my homies! They had their parents with them which was sweet (beardy and tall) and supported Slow Club and James Yuill (Rod Thomas helped him out so it was the time when I exploded in a fountain of lust and died happy, my eyes burnt out by FIRE). Here they are with their hit video cover of Fleet Foxes:
Newest to my venacular is 'Danielle Ate The Sandwich'. While not being the most exciting musician, she is certainly beautifully talented and is bound to feature on some hipster advert about some stupid phone or car in the near future. I bet you she'll get more interesting in time, unless she gets hella famous and conceited and doesn't think about her music anymore. But that never happens to anyone!!! WATCH AND LISTEN:
By the way, I think all these people seem great to hang out with and I am jealous of them all!
Now I just bide my time 'til the VIP passes and exclusive interviews come rollin' in...
- Tubs (deceased)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Part Of The Weekend Never Dies
I'm finally doing it. 13th March. Custard Factory, Birmingham.
2many DJs!! EFFIN A.
After missing out on NYE with 2manyDJs and Simian Mobile Disco, i've just been waiting for an opportunity to see the belgian duo rock my world. And now it's finally coming, and I just can't wait. If anyone is going to be in Birmingham for this fateful weekend in March, I highly reccomend you come along, and don't be suprised if you spontaneously start crying, it's only natural.
Although David and Stephen Dewaele have been around since the mid-90s, making up half of the rock band Soulwax, it was only recently that I discovered this musical masterpiece. I can't tell you the specific date, and I'm not very good at telling stories, but one fateful day back last year, I happened to stumble across a little film called 'Part of the Weekend Never Dies', and my life hasn't been the same since.
The film, shot over 120 shows using one single camera, follows the band as they toured the entire world, from the USA to New Zealand and everywhere in between. Back in 2005, Soulwax released an album called 'Nite Versions', which is Soulwax remixing their own 2004 album, 'Any Minute Now'. Now, the idea behind the tour is based around 'Radio Soulwax', which is the band, Soulwax, playing the Nite Versions album, live. A rock band, playing electro versions of their own songs. Live. Add to that the DJ set 2manyDJs would perform after the show, along with special guests such as Digitalism, Justice, Tigo, LCD Soundsystem and the Klaxons, and you've got pretty much got the best night of your life. Better than that time you got herpes from that "girl" in Singapore. She told you her name was Tim, you should have figured it out.
So I really can't wait. I managed to see Fatboy Slim at V Festival a couple of years back, and I'm just really hoping that 2manyDJ's can surpass my expectations. OH, and it only costs £10. TEN. WHOLE. PUNDS. quite frankly that's a bargain of epic proportions. So I shall leave you with one of my favourite songs of the moment, it's a Soulwax remix of Ready For The Floor by Hot Chip. CLICKETY and enjoy!
~ Lazy
[EDIT: So last friday has been and gone, and what can I say really, other than "HOYLCRAPTHATWASANIGHTOFCOMPLETELYEPICPROPORTIONS". Totally blew me away with some amazing remixes, which all seemed to mesh together so nicely to form an absolutely stellar night. I didn't get home till 7am. 'Nuff said]
2many DJs!! EFFIN A.
After missing out on NYE with 2manyDJs and Simian Mobile Disco, i've just been waiting for an opportunity to see the belgian duo rock my world. And now it's finally coming, and I just can't wait. If anyone is going to be in Birmingham for this fateful weekend in March, I highly reccomend you come along, and don't be suprised if you spontaneously start crying, it's only natural.
Although David and Stephen Dewaele have been around since the mid-90s, making up half of the rock band Soulwax, it was only recently that I discovered this musical masterpiece. I can't tell you the specific date, and I'm not very good at telling stories, but one fateful day back last year, I happened to stumble across a little film called 'Part of the Weekend Never Dies', and my life hasn't been the same since.
The film, shot over 120 shows using one single camera, follows the band as they toured the entire world, from the USA to New Zealand and everywhere in between. Back in 2005, Soulwax released an album called 'Nite Versions', which is Soulwax remixing their own 2004 album, 'Any Minute Now'. Now, the idea behind the tour is based around 'Radio Soulwax', which is the band, Soulwax, playing the Nite Versions album, live. A rock band, playing electro versions of their own songs. Live. Add to that the DJ set 2manyDJs would perform after the show, along with special guests such as Digitalism, Justice, Tigo, LCD Soundsystem and the Klaxons, and you've got pretty much got the best night of your life. Better than that time you got herpes from that "girl" in Singapore. She told you her name was Tim, you should have figured it out.
So I really can't wait. I managed to see Fatboy Slim at V Festival a couple of years back, and I'm just really hoping that 2manyDJ's can surpass my expectations. OH, and it only costs £10. TEN. WHOLE. PUNDS. quite frankly that's a bargain of epic proportions. So I shall leave you with one of my favourite songs of the moment, it's a Soulwax remix of Ready For The Floor by Hot Chip. CLICKETY and enjoy!
~ Lazy
[EDIT: So last friday has been and gone, and what can I say really, other than "HOYLCRAPTHATWASANIGHTOFCOMPLETELYEPICPROPORTIONS". Totally blew me away with some amazing remixes, which all seemed to mesh together so nicely to form an absolutely stellar night. I didn't get home till 7am. 'Nuff said]
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I know this post isn't really relevant, but both me and tubs are agreed on one thing...Neil Patrick-Harris is amazing. I suppose the correct thing for me to do at this point is to talk about something that covers both the film and music genres, and is also just amazingly ingenious:
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog !!
A true masterpiece of the technology-era, this 43 minute long musical, produced during the Writers Strike of 200quityourbitchingandgetbacktowork by Joss Whedon, stars NPH as the title character, Dr Horrible. The plot revolves around Dr Horrible's quest to join the Evil League of Evil, led by the evilest of the evil, Bad Horse, to which entry will be obtained after he successfully completes his next crime. Shown also is his real-life alter ego, Billy, who happens to fall in love with a girl (Penny, played by Felicia Day) at the laundrette. However, thwarting his evil plans (seriously, you would not believe how long it took me to find the correct spelling of thwart. that's dedication right there) is the unstoppable Captian Hammer (Nathon Fillion)
Now I know this isn't recent news, and if you've seen it before, congratumalations to you squire, here's a cookie (Tesco value, I'm not made of money). But if you have yet to see it, then I don't think I can honestly look you in the eyes anymore. You could moan and whinge about not liking musicals (come on, we know you've seen high school musical, I saw you humming along to the songs), but when in the past couple of years can you say you've seen something that mixes both comedy and music to such an extent that it truely appeals to both sides of the audience? (no, the eurovision doesn't count, it's neither funny nor musical. GET OVER IT). So the moral of this story is go ahead and watch it, yeah?
So I wrote most of this entry a couple of days ago, but never got round to finishing it, so now it's VD I spose I should make some sort of effort:
I know this post isn't really relevant, but both me and tubs are agreed on one thing...Neil Patrick-Harris is amazing. I suppose the correct thing for me to do at this point is to talk about something that covers both the film and music genres, and is also just amazingly ingenious:
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog !!
A true masterpiece of the technology-era, this 43 minute long musical, produced during the Writers Strike of 200quityourbitchingandgetbacktowork by Joss Whedon, stars NPH as the title character, Dr Horrible. The plot revolves around Dr Horrible's quest to join the Evil League of Evil, led by the evilest of the evil, Bad Horse, to which entry will be obtained after he successfully completes his next crime. Shown also is his real-life alter ego, Billy, who happens to fall in love with a girl (Penny, played by Felicia Day) at the laundrette. However, thwarting his evil plans (seriously, you would not believe how long it took me to find the correct spelling of thwart. that's dedication right there) is the unstoppable Captian Hammer (Nathon Fillion)
Now I know this isn't recent news, and if you've seen it before, congratumalations to you squire, here's a cookie (Tesco value, I'm not made of money). But if you have yet to see it, then I don't think I can honestly look you in the eyes anymore. You could moan and whinge about not liking musicals (come on, we know you've seen high school musical, I saw you humming along to the songs), but when in the past couple of years can you say you've seen something that mixes both comedy and music to such an extent that it truely appeals to both sides of the audience? (no, the eurovision doesn't count, it's neither funny nor musical. GET OVER IT). So the moral of this story is go ahead and watch it, yeah?
So I wrote most of this entry a couple of days ago, but never got round to finishing it, so now it's VD I spose I should make some sort of effort:
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Human Suffering
or People need water? Wait, Blink are getting back together?! Global tragedy! Think of the children!
Apparently Blink 182 are reforming. That is more of an anti-news item for me, being one of those music notes I have to report on but would rather avoid. Blink are a band that if you like them or have ever liked them then for me that acts as a permanent unfortunate semen-stain of bad taste on your character for eternity.
Now we've moved on from me being a snob, it is down to more brilliant business!
Twitter is the topic of the moment; with Twestivals all over the world looming, what is the whole deal with all that crap anyway? Artists anywhere between The Mae Shi to Lily Allen be tweetin these days, so if you haven't sorted yourself out there then, well, I'll be honest. I don't understand how you are reading this blog and your eyes aren't melting, because it is far to hip and fresh for you.
If you're not cool, then you'll have no idea what I meant when I said 'Twestival' back there. Don't worry, I'll clear it up. That's what we at T&L are here for! Making you suck less.
Well, it all began...
This ended up as a 'twestival', supporting Charity:Water (providing safe drinking water for the needies) and has developed into global phenomenon, with Twestivals in all kinds of places! EVEN STOKE! While not quite having hit the big-time yet in terms of mainstream fame, the recent addition of artists like Bloc Party and Mystery Jets is sure to launch the venture into the public eye within the next couple of months, I'd reckon. There are tracks available on to download and donate for until the 19th February, so get your boots on and make it rain. You can even upload your own tracks, you budding noise-makers!
Go follow the whole shebang @twestival and @twestivalfm once you've got yourself a twitter account, you absolute loser. Meanwhile, the Birmingham and London Twestival updates are available @brumtwestival and @ldntwestival; check for your local show, if you're not lucky enough to live where Tubs and Lazy think you should.
- Tubs
Apparently Blink 182 are reforming. That is more of an anti-news item for me, being one of those music notes I have to report on but would rather avoid. Blink are a band that if you like them or have ever liked them then for me that acts as a permanent unfortunate semen-stain of bad taste on your character for eternity.
Now we've moved on from me being a snob, it is down to more brilliant business!
Twitter is the topic of the moment; with Twestivals all over the world looming, what is the whole deal with all that crap anyway? Artists anywhere between The Mae Shi to Lily Allen be tweetin these days, so if you haven't sorted yourself out there then, well, I'll be honest. I don't understand how you are reading this blog and your eyes aren't melting, because it is far to hip and fresh for you.
If you're not cool, then you'll have no idea what I meant when I said 'Twestival' back there. Don't worry, I'll clear it up. That's what we at T&L are here for! Making you suck less.
Well, it all began...
"In September 2008, a group of Twitterers based in London UK decided to organise an event where the local Twitter community could socialize offline; meet the faces behind the avatars, enjoy some entertainment, have a few drinks and tie this in with a food drive and fundraising effort for a local homeless charity." |
This ended up as a 'twestival', supporting Charity:Water (providing safe drinking water for the needies) and has developed into global phenomenon, with Twestivals in all kinds of places! EVEN STOKE! While not quite having hit the big-time yet in terms of mainstream fame, the recent addition of artists like Bloc Party and Mystery Jets is sure to launch the venture into the public eye within the next couple of months, I'd reckon. There are tracks available on to download and donate for until the 19th February, so get your boots on and make it rain. You can even upload your own tracks, you budding noise-makers!
Go follow the whole shebang @twestival and @twestivalfm once you've got yourself a twitter account, you absolute loser. Meanwhile, the Birmingham and London Twestival updates are available @brumtwestival and @ldntwestival; check for your local show, if you're not lucky enough to live where Tubs and Lazy think you should.
- Tubs
blink 182,
bloc party,
bonde do role,
human suffering,
imogen heap,
mystery jets,
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Dead Like Me
So it's been a bit of a busy week for me, with all the socialising and what-have-you, but I did manage to catch the Dead Like Me movie, Life After Death. Now if you don't know what Dead Like Me is, then take a step back. Look at your life and ask yourself "AM I TRUELY AWESOME". The answer is most probably no, unless you're me...or Barney Stinson.
Dead Like Me was a TV show that ran for 2 seasons in 2003/4 on the Showtime (USA) network. Now if you've ever seen any Showtime programs (the best of which recently have been Dexter and Californication), then you'll no doubt love the deep dark humour that runs through this show. I'm still not entirely sure how I stumbled upon this show, but it's probably the same way I manage to find any of the stuff I watch...just pure luck. The premise of the show, following a group of Grim Reapers as they go about their day taking the souls of the soon-to-be-departed, was fresh and original. The reason the show got cancelled? NO IDEA.
So now we come to 5 years later and the release of a Direct-to-DVD movie which, unlike the series, lacks a lot of the humour and quirkiness that made the original series such a hit (with me at least). With the release of the movie, many of the questions that were left partially unanswered towards the end of the series finally get an answer. When most network shows get cancelled, it's usually because they're crap and no-body cares. When a show ends its run after many years, storylines get tied up and everyone lives happily ever after. Woo. But what happens to all the great shows that have problems with premature ecancellation? WHY WONT YOU JUST THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!
Now the real reason why I'm talking about this DVD isn't because it's that good. The plot is full of holes, 2 of the actors have left (one being replaced which was frankly a TERRIBLE move) and the entire film feels forced. But an end is an end, and who knows, maybe it'll spark everyone to petition to bring the show back and it will return to it's former glory. The real reason I'm mentioning this is because it's a great day for cancelled shows. With the return of Dead Like Me, and the impending return of ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT (BRING ON THE MOVIE!!), it signifies a shift. No longer will cancelled shows be left to rot in some fat guy's basement. If the fan's are behind it, why shouldnt good TV get its fond farewell? I've seen far too many decent shows being cancelled in recent years, only to be replaced with the the utmost tripe that i wouldnt even wipe my arse with. But slowly but surely, the fans are kicking back.
Futurama. Dead Like Me. and now Arrested Development?...all we need now is the return of Freaks and Geeks and I think i'll wet myself.
Dead Like Me was a TV show that ran for 2 seasons in 2003/4 on the Showtime (USA) network. Now if you've ever seen any Showtime programs (the best of which recently have been Dexter and Californication), then you'll no doubt love the deep dark humour that runs through this show. I'm still not entirely sure how I stumbled upon this show, but it's probably the same way I manage to find any of the stuff I watch...just pure luck. The premise of the show, following a group of Grim Reapers as they go about their day taking the souls of the soon-to-be-departed, was fresh and original. The reason the show got cancelled? NO IDEA.
So now we come to 5 years later and the release of a Direct-to-DVD movie which, unlike the series, lacks a lot of the humour and quirkiness that made the original series such a hit (with me at least). With the release of the movie, many of the questions that were left partially unanswered towards the end of the series finally get an answer. When most network shows get cancelled, it's usually because they're crap and no-body cares. When a show ends its run after many years, storylines get tied up and everyone lives happily ever after. Woo. But what happens to all the great shows that have problems with premature ecancellation? WHY WONT YOU JUST THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!
Now the real reason why I'm talking about this DVD isn't because it's that good. The plot is full of holes, 2 of the actors have left (one being replaced which was frankly a TERRIBLE move) and the entire film feels forced. But an end is an end, and who knows, maybe it'll spark everyone to petition to bring the show back and it will return to it's former glory. The real reason I'm mentioning this is because it's a great day for cancelled shows. With the return of Dead Like Me, and the impending return of ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT (BRING ON THE MOVIE!!), it signifies a shift. No longer will cancelled shows be left to rot in some fat guy's basement. If the fan's are behind it, why shouldnt good TV get its fond farewell? I've seen far too many decent shows being cancelled in recent years, only to be replaced with the the utmost tripe that i wouldnt even wipe my arse with. But slowly but surely, the fans are kicking back.
Futurama. Dead Like Me. and now Arrested Development?...all we need now is the return of Freaks and Geeks and I think i'll wet myself.
Monday, February 2, 2009
ITS NOT PORN. honest.
Wet. Hot. American. Summer.
Sure, it sounds like a filthy wilderbeast, wallowing in the self pity and loathing that is the world of the internet. And I can't really blame you, with such an innovative title, who could suspect that such a film actually holds such genius. Directed by David Wain, who has recently brought us the wondrousnessnessness of 'Role Models' (and also The Ten, but that's not as good so shhhhhhhh), the film sets about detailing the last day of summer camp in 1981. Now, that's not really doing much to dispell the thoughts of PORN PORN PORN rushing through your head, but alas, you can but trust me. The film's stars range from Janeane Garofalo (Mystery Men, and the new series of 24) to Paul Rudd (comeon, you know what he's been in), from David Hyde Pierce (Frasier) right through to a stellar performance by Molly Shannon (Year of the Dog).
Now how, you might ask, did I manage to come across this gem? I'm not going to lie to you, it wasnt pretty. I found DVD form.......for 1 whole
obviously at the time I had no idea what I'd stumbled onto, but finding a DVD in Poundland which contains actors you've ever heard of is quite a rareity in itself. But not only that, but this was a double sided disc, with another film on the other side (The Independent...not really that great)...bringing the effective total to a meer FIFTIPUNCE. now that my friends, is a bargain.
So hey, if you ever happen to be leisurely strolling past a Poundland (If you're a student like me, in there buying everything you could ever need for £1), who knows, maybe you'll get lucky....or maybe you'll get groped by a homeless man, only time can tell. But go on, do yourself a favour and watch this film :D
And also....what Tubs said. (listen to her, she's wise - and small enough to headbutt you in the nads)
Welcome! Shut up!
Into the second month of the new year we bring a pretty, new, pretty great blog.
This month sees the release of two pretty impressive compilations. On the 13th February Dark Was The Night is released, raising money for the Red Hot organization supporting HIV/Aids awareness. The album features artists such as yeasayer, Sufjan Stevens, Spoon, Bon Iver, Cat Power, The Decemberists and even a song featuring both Feist and Ben Gibbard, to name but a few. It looks like it will be pretty good, and I'm definitely going to grab it when it comes out. If 31 songs over two discs for less than a tenner and doing good for charity doesn't help you ignore the fact that you spent Valentine's Day miserable and alone, crouched over the toilet, vomming up cheap vodka and self-pity, then I don't know what will.
Check out the myspace here.
A few days later, on the 24th, Heroes is released; a compliation raising money for War Child International. The album features songs by classic artists covered by contemporary musicans. The 'classic' artists actually chose which contemporary artist would cover them; an interesting concept - means you get to judge not only the people who put the album together, but also the people who they chose! FUN. The title comes from the song of the same name by David Bowie, which is being covered by TV on the Radio (nice choice, Bowie; I knew the Labyrinth signalled your greatness). In fact, I have the full tracklisting right here (how handy!):
1. Beck, “Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat" (Bob Dylan)
2. The Kooks, “Victoria" (The Kinks)
3. The Hold Steady, “Atlantic City" (Bruce Springsteen)
4. Hot Chip, “Transmission" (Joy Division)
5. Lily Allen feat. Mick Jones, “Straight To Hell" (The Clash)
6. Yeah Yeah Yeahs, “Sheena Is A Punk Rocker" (The Ramones)
7. Franz Ferdinand, “Call Me" (Blondie)
8. Duffy, “Live And Let Die" (Paul McCartney)
9. Estelle, “Superstition" (Stevie Wonder)
10. Rufus Wainwright, “Wonderful/Song For Children" (Brian Wilson)
11. Scissor Sisters, “Do The Strand" (Roxy Music)
12. Peaches, “Search And Destroy" (Iggy Pop)
13. Adam Cohen, “Take This Waltz" (Leonard Cohen)
14. Elbow, “Running To Stand Still" (U2)
15. The Like, “You Belong To Me" (Elvis Costello)
16. TV on the Radio, “Heroes" (David Bowie)
So some of these 'legends' chose some good people! Beck isn't a bad choice, nor is Hot Chip. You have to respect the choice of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and TV on the Radio. I think Peaches was a bit of a given.
However, I've got to be honest, some of them don't seem like legends to me.
I thought you might want to see what I would put up, given the same opportunity!
And so:
1. Not Paul McCartney (who from now on shall be referred to as The Beatles, since he basically claims as much on a regular basis)
2. Not U2
3. Not the Beatles
4. Not Bruce Springsteen
5. Pixies vs. George Clinton (that would be fun wouldn't it?)
6. Not the Beatles
7. How about fucking Clapton? It's not like he's dead like the real legend that is Jimi Hendrix
8. In fact, some of these people are dead! Fuck it: Jimi Hendrix
9. Stevie Wonder
10. If you're going to put these people in, why not put A-Ha in.
11. Not the Beatles
12. Continuing dead people: Sam Cooke
13. The Skatalites
14. Not the Beatles
15. Green Apples
16. Let's throw Johnny Cash in there, since we're allowed dead people.
17. Bonus track! (Yeah, fuck you, mine has a bonus track) Not U2.
All songs will be covered by the corpse of John Belushi.
- Tubs.
P.S. I'm still going to buy it! It's for charity you fucking selfish troll.
This month sees the release of two pretty impressive compilations. On the 13th February Dark Was The Night is released, raising money for the Red Hot organization supporting HIV/Aids awareness. The album features artists such as yeasayer, Sufjan Stevens, Spoon, Bon Iver, Cat Power, The Decemberists and even a song featuring both Feist and Ben Gibbard, to name but a few. It looks like it will be pretty good, and I'm definitely going to grab it when it comes out. If 31 songs over two discs for less than a tenner and doing good for charity doesn't help you ignore the fact that you spent Valentine's Day miserable and alone, crouched over the toilet, vomming up cheap vodka and self-pity, then I don't know what will.
Check out the myspace here.
A few days later, on the 24th, Heroes is released; a compliation raising money for War Child International. The album features songs by classic artists covered by contemporary musicans. The 'classic' artists actually chose which contemporary artist would cover them; an interesting concept - means you get to judge not only the people who put the album together, but also the people who they chose! FUN. The title comes from the song of the same name by David Bowie, which is being covered by TV on the Radio (nice choice, Bowie; I knew the Labyrinth signalled your greatness). In fact, I have the full tracklisting right here (how handy!):
1. Beck, “Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat" (Bob Dylan)
2. The Kooks, “Victoria" (The Kinks)
3. The Hold Steady, “Atlantic City" (Bruce Springsteen)
4. Hot Chip, “Transmission" (Joy Division)
5. Lily Allen feat. Mick Jones, “Straight To Hell" (The Clash)
6. Yeah Yeah Yeahs, “Sheena Is A Punk Rocker" (The Ramones)
7. Franz Ferdinand, “Call Me" (Blondie)
8. Duffy, “Live And Let Die" (Paul McCartney)
9. Estelle, “Superstition" (Stevie Wonder)
10. Rufus Wainwright, “Wonderful/Song For Children" (Brian Wilson)
11. Scissor Sisters, “Do The Strand" (Roxy Music)
12. Peaches, “Search And Destroy" (Iggy Pop)
13. Adam Cohen, “Take This Waltz" (Leonard Cohen)
14. Elbow, “Running To Stand Still" (U2)
15. The Like, “You Belong To Me" (Elvis Costello)
16. TV on the Radio, “Heroes" (David Bowie)
So some of these 'legends' chose some good people! Beck isn't a bad choice, nor is Hot Chip. You have to respect the choice of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and TV on the Radio. I think Peaches was a bit of a given.
However, I've got to be honest, some of them don't seem like legends to me.
I thought you might want to see what I would put up, given the same opportunity!
And so:
1. Not Paul McCartney (who from now on shall be referred to as The Beatles, since he basically claims as much on a regular basis)
2. Not U2
3. Not the Beatles
4. Not Bruce Springsteen
5. Pixies vs. George Clinton (that would be fun wouldn't it?)
6. Not the Beatles
7. How about fucking Clapton? It's not like he's dead like the real legend that is Jimi Hendrix
8. In fact, some of these people are dead! Fuck it: Jimi Hendrix
9. Stevie Wonder
10. If you're going to put these people in, why not put A-Ha in.
11. Not the Beatles
12. Continuing dead people: Sam Cooke
13. The Skatalites
14. Not the Beatles
15. Green Apples
16. Let's throw Johnny Cash in there, since we're allowed dead people.
17. Bonus track! (Yeah, fuck you, mine has a bonus track) Not U2.
All songs will be covered by the corpse of John Belushi.
- Tubs.
P.S. I'm still going to buy it! It's for charity you fucking selfish troll.
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