So here we are, on this wonderful if not slightly chilly February evening. I can't believe it's Thursday already, it's kinda mental how fast this year is going. I mean seriously, I'm now in my 7th week of second term, with only 3 more weeks of teaching left. 3 more weeks! It's no wonder I always feel so rushed off my feet when time is flying by so fast! Obviously we have to forget the fact that I only have 9 hours of lectures (and still haven't managed to have a week with full attendance), and that I pretty much don't do any extra work. But hey, what's first year for if not for drinking, partying and...watching films of course.
It's been a mix this week, went to the cinema for the first time in a while. Unfortunately I went to see '
Confessions of a Shopaholic' (not my choice, I was dragged, dragged I tells ya!!). It's pretty much your standard romantic comedy. I laughed, I cried, but most importantly, I found out that they actually use the words 'unexpected leakage' in tampon adverts. Wonderful :)
Following on from such wonders, I had a little mini-80s marathon the other day, when I realised that I've never seen the
Breakfast Club or
Sixteen Candles [TUBS: How is this possible?!]. Now I'm familiar with John Hughes' work, as
Ferris Bueller's Day Off is one of my all time favourite films (Honest, I've got a poster on my wall and EVERYTHING), and I've heard of most of his other stuff, yet somehow they've managed to slip the net. It's not hard really, there's so many films out there that I tend to watch all of the really crappy ones (most of which are random indie and cheap production films that no-one has ever heard of) and forego many of the "classic" films of the last century. Hey, it's not my fault, I was born this way (accidentally, apparently). HOWEVER, I did manage to catch
Zulu the other night, whilst heavily intoxicated. I voted to watch
Die Hard 3, but it's kinda hard to get your voice heard when you're sitting on an inflatable chair sipping on whisky. Good times.
Now I spose I should say something about my outlook for the year. Yup...looks alrite. There's a couple of films that I'm looking forward to, but most of those are pretty standard (
Watchmen, Transformers 2, X-Men Origins, Terminator: Salvation) but lately I've found myself perusing through Apple Trailers, just looking for something semi-decent to watch. And here's what I found:
Crank 2: Now...don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this is going to be the best film of the year, and if you've seen the first film, you pretty much know exactly what's going to happen. Bald man with big muscles goes round trying to get his adrenaline high by punching people in the womb, having sex in public and jumping out of airplanes. But honestly, as cheesy and stupid as the first film was, there was definitely something about it that was just...awesome. If films are meant to be entertaining, then Crank is really all you need in life, and I'm sure the 2nd installment (however ridiculous the plot line) is sure to be just as good. Plus I really love the cinematography, the angles and the colours, so it's got that going for it.
The Soloist: This looks like it's going to be one of the better films of the year. One of those really heartwarming stories, based on the real life events of one Nathaniel Ayers, a gifted musician who ends up scizophrenic and living on the streets. With Jamie Foxx starring as Ayers, and Robert Downey Jr. as Steve Lopez, the LA Times reporter who befriends him, I'm pretty certain it's going to be excellent. It'll probably end up getting slated on Rotten Tomatoes or something, but I prefer rooting for the underdog. What can I say, I like shit films, it's what I do. I'm just hoping this one really does live up to all the hype that I've just this second created for it and doesn't dissapoint me as much as that happy ending from Mr. Lee's massage parlour. It's fine tho, they have a cream for it now.
Fast & Furious: PLEASE DON'T LYNCH ME! After the abysmal 2nd and 3rd films, can the 4th really compare to the 1st Fast and the Furious? Probably not, but hey, at can at least give it a go! It really can't be any worse than Tokyo Drift, my word that film was the dog's bollocks. And I mean those big hairy ones in Van Wilder. Just...dangling. Looking at the trailer, there are a few points where I let out a small sigh of disbelief (the bit with the rolling oil tanker? seriously? are you kidding me?), but it does look fairly promising, especially as they seem to have got a large portion of the original cast together. I do however have a feeling, down at the bottom of that deep dark endless pit I call a belly, that they're really only making this film cus neither Vin Diesel or Paul Walker have anything to do in their free time, which they seem to have lots of recently. Oh wait, Diesel-head was in that film, whats it called. Oh yeah...IHAVEAMONKEYFACE A.D.
There's probably a few more that I havn't mentioned that are gonna be FAR more entertaining than the ones mentioned, but whatever, go write about them in your own blog. I'm tired, and I seem to have misplaced my ovaries.
~ Lazy
[TUBS: Christ! Maybe I should do a film post and cover some worthwhile moving-pictures? What say you, kiddywinks?]
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