Apparently Blink 182 are reforming. That is more of an anti-news item for me, being one of those music notes I have to report on but would rather avoid. Blink are a band that if you like them or have ever liked them then for me that acts as a permanent unfortunate semen-stain of bad taste on your character for eternity.
Now we've moved on from me being a snob, it is down to more brilliant business!

Twitter is the topic of the moment; with Twestivals all over the world looming, what is the whole deal with all that crap anyway? Artists anywhere between The Mae Shi to Lily Allen be tweetin these days, so if you haven't sorted yourself out there then, well, I'll be honest. I don't understand how you are reading this blog and your eyes aren't melting, because it is far to hip and fresh for you.
If you're not cool, then you'll have no idea what I meant when I said 'Twestival' back there. Don't worry, I'll clear it up. That's what we at T&L are here for! Making you suck less.
Well, it all began...
"In September 2008, a group of Twitterers based in London UK decided to organise an event where the local Twitter community could socialize offline; meet the faces behind the avatars, enjoy some entertainment, have a few drinks and tie this in with a food drive and fundraising effort for a local homeless charity." |
This ended up as a 'twestival', supporting Charity:Water (providing safe drinking water for the needies) and has developed into global phenomenon, with Twestivals in all kinds of places! EVEN STOKE! While not quite having hit the big-time yet in terms of mainstream fame, the recent addition of artists like Bloc Party and Mystery Jets is sure to launch the venture into the public eye within the next couple of months, I'd reckon. There are tracks available on to download and donate for until the 19th February, so get your boots on and make it rain. You can even upload your own tracks, you budding noise-makers!
Go follow the whole shebang @twestival and @twestivalfm once you've got yourself a twitter account, you absolute loser. Meanwhile, the Birmingham and London Twestival updates are available @brumtwestival and @ldntwestival; check for your local show, if you're not lucky enough to live where Tubs and Lazy think you should.
- Tubs
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