I know this post isn't really relevant, but both me and tubs are agreed on one thing...Neil Patrick-Harris is amazing. I suppose the correct thing for me to do at this point is to talk about something that covers both the film and music genres, and is also just amazingly ingenious:
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog !!
A true masterpiece of the technology-era, this 43 minute long musical, produced during the Writers Strike of 200quityourbitchingandgetbacktowork by Joss Whedon, stars NPH as the title character, Dr Horrible. The plot revolves around Dr Horrible's quest to join the Evil League of Evil, led by the evilest of the evil, Bad Horse, to which entry will be obtained after he successfully completes his next crime. Shown also is his real-life alter ego, Billy, who happens to fall in love with a girl (Penny, played by Felicia Day) at the laundrette. However, thwarting his evil plans (seriously, you would not believe how long it took me to find the correct spelling of thwart. that's dedication right there) is the unstoppable Captian Hammer (Nathon Fillion)
Now I know this isn't recent news, and if you've seen it before, congratumalations to you squire, here's a cookie (Tesco value, I'm not made of money). But if you have yet to see it, then I don't think I can honestly look you in the eyes anymore. You could moan and whinge about not liking musicals (come on, we know you've seen high school musical, I saw you humming along to the songs), but when in the past couple of years can you say you've seen something that mixes both comedy and music to such an extent that it truely appeals to both sides of the audience? (no, the eurovision doesn't count, it's neither funny nor musical. GET OVER IT). So the moral of this story is go ahead and watch it, yeah?
So I wrote most of this entry a couple of days ago, but never got round to finishing it, so now it's VD I spose I should make some sort of effort:

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